Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm a lamer

Ok so over a month ago I was all excited about this whole truck puter project. I still am...
However I realized with the Tax Man around the corner, bill's that needed paying and a g/f that is expensive that I couldn't fork over 2 grand just yet.
So sometime soon after the last post, one of my favorite websites, W00T! sold the Omni-Fi DMP1 on it's website for $200.00 !!! What is the DMP1, you ask?
It is a 20 gig MP3 Player that mounts in your vehicle and you can synch your music to it wirelessly over your network. It has a face plate that you can mount on the dash, or where ever , so you can surf thru your 20 gig's of tunes.
For right now I'm happy with it and as time goes on, I'll slowly build the carputer from scratch. Being as how space is at a minimum I have to look at my options on were to install it.
This weekend I plan on networking the house... Crawling up into the attic to drop CAT5 cable all over the place. I'm going to try to squeeze in above the garage and drop on in there, so I can mount an Access Point in there. That way I'll have a much stronger signal to the truck.
So, until next post, my fellow surfers!
-Blind Willy